Microcredit And Microentrepreneurship Collateral free Loan at Work in Bangladesh (হার্ডকভার)
Microcredit And Microentrepreneurship Collateral free Loan at Work in Bangladesh (হার্ডকভার)
৳ ৩০০   ৳ ২২৫
২৫% ছাড়

৯৯০ বা তার বেশি টাকার বই অর্ডারে ডেলিভারি চার্জ ফ্রি। কুপন: FREEDELIVERY

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Bangladesh in the leader of collateral free microcredit model. More than 25 million poor people from over 50 countries of the world are benefiting from microcredit.. There was, however, a void in microcredit literature about its origin. Collateral free microcredit dates back to 1905 when Rabindranath Tagore founded kaligram Krishi Bank in Patishar in the district of Naogaon. This book traces the events leading to the establishment of kaligram Krishi Bank by poet Tagore who was the landlord of Patishar area.
The microfinance institutes (MFIs) of Bangladesh are unique in that they work as bankers to the poor but they are not banks. The MFIs are part of the Nongovernmental Organizations (NGOs) providing a variety of loan products to the poor people according to the missions of their parent NGOs. The book analyzes the oligopoly in the microcredit market of Bangladesh. The book also evaluates the contributions of microcredit industry in Bangladesh in non-technical terms.

Title : Microcredit And Microentrepreneurship Collateral free Loan at Work in Bangladesh
Author : ওয়ালি আই. মন্ডল
Publisher : একাডেমিক প্রেস এন্ড পাবলিশার্স লাইব্রেরি
ISBN : 9840802848
Edition : 2007
Number of Pages : 152
Country : Bangladesh
Language : English

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